Our HDR Supervisors

Whitley College has a long tradition of appointing faculty with research experience, usually gained through their own doctoral level study, and who have gained research active status.

Our research active faculty members supervise a range of HDR students in the following areas:

Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Christian Doctrine, Missiology, Contextual Theology, Indigenous theology, Practical theology, Pastoral theology, Christian Spirituality, Faith Development.

Supervision of our research PhD., MPhil, and Minor Theses projects is being undertaken by our Whitley College faculty, our wonderful honorary research associates, and research faculty from other Universities and College.

Professor Mark Brett

Professor of Hebrew Bible

Professor Mark Brett teaches Hebrew Bible and ethics. He was raised in Papua New Guinea, which has yielded a lifelong interest in the cultural contexts of education and biblical studies. His PhD on hermeneutical philosophy was published as Biblical Criticism in Crisis? (Cambridge University Press, 1991), and his subsequent research has focused on ethnicity and postcolonial studies. During 2005–2008, he also worked for an Aboriginal organization in developing new frameworks for the negotiation of native title claims within the state of Victoria. He is a member of Brunswick Baptist Church.

Professor Brett’s research interests are focused in the areas of colonialism, political theologies, intercultural studies, and the Hebrew Bible.

Mark is the former General Editor of the Journal of Biblical Literature and among his recent publications are Locations of God: Political Theology in the Hebrew Bible (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2019).

Read more about Mark here.

Rev Associate Professor Jason Goroncy

Associate Professor of Christian Thought and Doctrine

Jason is an ordained minister with the Baptist Union of Victoria and the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, and teaches in the area of systematic theology at Whitley College. He previously served as a pastor in Baptist and Uniting churches, as a lecturer at the Koh Lo Traw Theological College (Thailand), as a lecturer and Dean of the Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership in New Zealand, and as Chair of the Church and Society Working Group for the World Communion of Reformed Churches.

Dr Goroncy’s research interests are focused in the areas of theological anthropology, theology and the arts, theological ethics, public theology, Reformed traditions, death, P.T. Forsyth, and the doctrines of God and creation. He has most recently contributed ‘Barth on Sanctification’ in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Karl Barth, edited by George Hunsinger and Keith L. Johnson (Chichester, UK: Blackwell, 2020).

Read more about Jason here.

Darrell grew up in the Isle of Man and was ordained to Baptist ministry in 1989. Educated at London School of Theology, the University of Birmingham and the University of Gloucestershire. His ThD addresses Baptist church membership and missiology. He has been involved in full-time theological education since 2007 with lecturing experience at Bristol Baptist College; the International Baptist Theological Seminary, Prague; Redcliffe College, UK; Tabor College, Adelaide; Morling College, Sydney; and a number of US Universities and Seminaries.

Darrell’s ministry experience includes pastoral, denominational, and ecumenical roles. Through these roles he has built considerable experience at the intersection of research, missiology, and theological education.

Rev Associate Professor Jackson’s research interests are focused in the areas of missiology, migration and diaspora, ethnicity, identity, and nationalism, and Orthodox-Evangelical encounter.

Among his recent publications is ‘Re-placing mission: exilic options reconsidered’ in Not in Kansas anymore: Christian faith in a post-Christian world edited by Mike Frost, Darrell Jackson, and David Starling (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publications, 2020).

Read more about Darrell here.

Associate Professor Robyn Wrigley-Carr

Associate Professor in Pastoral and Spiritual Care

Robyn teaches in the area of Pastoral and Spiritual Care at Whitley College. She is also Program Director of Spiritual Care for the University of Divinity in the School of Professional Practice. She has been involved in theological education for over two decades and lectured at Alphacrucis University College for 8 years before joining Whitley. As well as being an academic, Robyn leads retreats in Australia and England and is a spiritual director. She attends Northside Baptist Church.

As well as writing several books, including the Archbishop of York’s Advent Book for 2021, she has written many articles and has presented on Renovaré podcasts and ABC Radio’s ‘God Forbid’ program.

Robyn is on the Executive Committee for the International Network for the Study of Spirituality and is on the Editorial Board and Book Reviews Editor for the Journal for the Study of Spirituality. She is also Adjunct Associate Professor for the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture in Canberra (Charles Sturt University).

Read more about Robyn here.

Rev Dr Titus Olorunnisola

Interim Director of Research

Titus identifies as a theological anthropologist with a background in missiology and contextual theology. He was educated in Nigeria, the Netherlands, and Australia. He was a former Commonwealth Scholar on the International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) at the University of Divinity between 2013 and 2016.

Titus’ research expertise is in qualitative and quantitative research design. He has successfully designed and co-delivered qualitative research projects focusing on the inclusion and integration of members of migrant communities in Victoria. 

Titus sits on the board of Action Research Centre Ltd – a not-for-profit organisation that combines research with advocacy for social change on issues affecting migrant communities – as its founding CEO and Principal Researcher.

His research strengths lie in the areas of faith and development, new religious movements and migration, culture, Pentecostalism, and contextual theologies. He is particularly interested in how theology addresses social (and human) concerns in the postmodern era.

Read more about Titus here.

Dr Megan Turton

Lecturer in Hebrew Bible and Language

Megan teaches Hebrew Bible and language. Raised in country Victoria, she studied Law/Arts at Latrobe University, where her interest in the interrelationship between law, morality, justice, and the Bible first began. Her PhD on the character of biblical law, completed through the University of Sydney in 2021, has been accepted for publication by Mohr Siebeck. In addition to her role at Whitley College, Megan is the Secretary of the Fellowship for Biblical Studies, an organisation that promotes research and discussion on biblical studies and related fields in Australia and beyond.

Dr Turton’s research interests are focused in the areas of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, ancient Near Eastern history, Second Temple Judaism, law and religion, women and gender, and the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible within ancient and contemporary contexts.

Among her recent publications is “Deuteronomic Law, Deuteronomic Narrative, or Exodus Narrative? The Multivalence and Multiformity of Deuteronomy 18:15–22,” in Deuteronomy in the Making: Studies in the Production of Debarim, edited by Diana Edelman et al., BZAW 533 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2021).

Read more about Megan here.

Dr David Janssen

Dean of Education

David is currently the Academic Dean at Whitley College. Previously he was the Higher Education Course Coordinator and Lecturer at Eva Burrows College, also within the University of Divinity. He has been involved in theological education and formation for more than 10 years in The Salvation Army and has also worked as the Assistant Dean of Studies in the past. David was involved in major educational and managerial shifts at Eva Burrows College and has strong skills in both online developments and educational pedagogy.

David has regularly taught introductory units on biblical interpretation. In addition, he has taught units on Biblical Ethics, the Kingdom of God, Pauline Interpretation, specific books of the New Testament and more recently on visual and oral methods of biblical interpretation.

Prior to working in Higher Education he served in two pastoral leadership roles in churches in Victoria. He is a former member of the Tri-Territorial Theological Forum which encourages Salvationists to apply critical thinking and theology to their practical ministry and former editor of their Journal “Thought Matters”.

Read more about David here.