HomeResearchExplore Higher Degree by ResearchInterested in HDR study through Whitley?

Interested in HDR study through Whitley?

Whitley College is committed to academic research excellence and accepts Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students at all levels of research-centred, higher education. This includes encouraging enrolment in anything from a 16,000-word Minor Thesis Project through to an 80,000 to 100,000-word PhD.

Minor Thesis

By enrolling in a Minor Thesis, you are taking the first steps toward entry into one of our Research Masters or Doctoral programs.

The Minor Thesis is a 16,000-word, supervised Research Project, studied across either one or two Semesters, that requires you to have completed an assessed Research Methods Unit.

Check out the program details, including how to apply, on the University’s website here.

Research Master’s Degree

At Whitley, you may enrol in a Master of Philosophy program. This will involve advanced theological research supervised by a member of the College or University faculty.

If you’re planning to focus your theological research by advancing your knowledge of divinity, or if your focus is a little broader, combining research intended to advance your knowledge of divinity with its related disciplines, then the Master of Philosophy is the ideal program for you.

The awards provide a possible pathway for doctoral study.

Doctoral Degrees

At Whitley, you can enrol in the University’s Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program. This degree requires original theological research at the highest level, supervised by two or more research-active scholars, at least one of whom must be a member of the College or University faculty.

The Doctor of Professional Practice (DPP) is designed for experienced practitioners to develop advanced knowledge and skills relevant to their professional context. It equips mature professionals to develop their research competency and their critically reflective practice and to develop their theoretical knowledge further.

You may have considered other doctoral programs that involve taught classes, such as a DMin or some PhD programs, or which are modular in nature. Whitley does not offer any of these options. If you pursue an enquiry with Whitley, it will be on the basis that you will be able to demonstrate the potential or actual ability to apply a substantial body of knowledge to research, investigate, and develop new knowledge, in one or more areas of investigation, scholarship or professional practice, for between three to four years full-time, or the part-time equivalent.

For this reason, the first step of our exploring options with you is for you to complete and submit an initial Research Enquiry and send it to our Interim Dean of Research, Rev Dr Titus Olorunnisola. After reviewing your Research Enquiry, we will reply to you within as short a time as possible.

Read more about what’s on offer here.