As an HDR Student at Whitley College you should familiarise yourself with the Research Students pages on the website of the University of Divinity On...
Student Support -
Welcome to the research pages of Whitley College’s website! You’re in the right place if you’re interested in studying towards one of the Higher Degree...
Introduction to HDR study -
Whitley College is committed to academic research excellence and accepts Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students at all levels of research-centred, higher education. This includes...
Interested in HDR study through Whitley? -
Whitley College has a long tradition of appointing faculty with research experience, usually gained through their own doctoral level study, and who have gained research...
Our HDR Supervisors -
The University of Divinity offers government-funded research scholarships on a competitive basis to eligible Research students (future and current). Research Scholarships The Commonwealth Government funds Research...
Scholarships -
Whitley College supports an active HDR community of over twenty students. Potential students may apply at any time throughout the year. Students are enrolled in...
Admissions and Applications -
The University of Divinity has a long tradition of research excellence and produces world-class research in all theological disciplines. The School of Graduate Research (SGR)...
University of Divinity