Get to know our teaching staff
Sarah is a Whitley Alumni and a new member of the teaching staff – part of a team that works on specialist diploma programs. Sarah is passionate about working with people from LOTE/CALD backgrounds.
We asked Sarah a series of fun questions to get to know her better and her responses were wonderfully reflective.
Student Story
I’m a working mum and I’m studying part-time at Whitley. It’s a busy life. But I’ve found real authenticity in the lives of the lecturers at college, and I’ve experienced the outworking of that in the classroom. My name is Lauren O’Connell and I’m doing a Masters of Theological Studies.
Get to know our teaching staff
Lynn is a much loved Lecturer in Pastoral Studies at Whitley. Students are drawn to her warm and engaging style of teaching, and her passion for making the study of theology accessible to everyone. We asked Lynn a series of fun questions to get to know her better. You’ll love her responses.
Student story
I feel like we all have a bit of a box that we’ve put God in. It’s healthy to expand that. Whitley has been a huge part of letting go of some of those sacred cows and inviting other angles to see the world with – including how you see God. My name is Gemma Bell and I’m a Bachelor of Theology student since 2017.
Student story
If I had to describe Whitley in one line it would be ‘diverse, united and open’.
I think the thing which has surprised me most about studying here is how open I am at college. Maybe I feel safe and at home!
Student story
The misconception about studying at Whitley is that people think it’s not something for them, but I think it’s because they don’t understand what it could bring. Plus people think they need to be some kind of super-spiritual person to go to bible college.

Student story
At Whitley, I’ve found you are not taught what to think but how to think. Sure, it is a Baptist theological college, but all traditions, cultures and world views are respected, acknowledged, encouraged and expanded on, with humility and gentleness.