See the current study timetable here :2024 Study Timetable
Visit the University of Divinity website for the comprehensive Diploma in Theology academic course outline
Read more about our enrolment process.
The steps are outlined with all the relevant links here.
Our course advisers would love to chat with you. Call, email or submit a form here.
The information presented here is a general guide only and not a substitute for personal course advice.
Learning Outcomes
The program will help you develop:
- Sound foundational skills for critical study of Christian texts
- Skills to articulate foundational theological and scriptural knowledge and reflection
- Clear analytical skills allowing you to analyse and communicate sound theological ideas
- The ability to apply skills and knowledge to their own and other contexts and traditions
- The ability to apply skills and knowledge to the service of others through practical engagement and as conversation
Further Study Options
- Advanced Diploma in Theology and Ministry
- Bachelor of Theology
- Bachelor of Ministry Future service could include
Vocational Opportunities
- Church-based pastoral ministries
- BUV ordination program
- Chaplaincy
- Small group leadership
- Children and families ministry
Enrolment & Fees