Mission and Ministry (DA)
Theology: Mission and Ministry (D)
DA8002W and CT8102W
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Terry LeBlanc, with NAIITS faculty
Class Time
Online symposium, with subsequent online synchronous and asynchronous learning
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit, it is expected that students will be able to:
- Describe a range of perspectives held by Indigenous peoples, and articulate issues from an insider perspective as well as, critiquing them.
- Use both emic and etic approaches in critiquing cultural issues related to Indigenous contexts.
- Describe and critique key issues affecting Indigenous peoples from both a cultural and theological perspective.
- Develop and present a contextually appropriate solution to one of the identified issues.
- Forum (1,000 words) (20%)
- Oral presentation (30%)
- Essay (3,000 words) (50%)
Recommended reading
Set texts recommended for purchase are highlighted in blue
- Archibald, Linda. Decolonization and healing: Indigenous experiences in the United States, New Zealand, Australia, and Greenland. Canberra: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2006.
- Denzin, Norman K., Yvonna S. Lincoln, and Linda Tuhiwai Smith, eds. Handbook of critical and indigenous methodologies. Sage, 2008.
- Fixico, Donald L., The American Indian Mind in a Linear World, New York: Routledge, 2003
- Kovach, Margaret. Indigenous methodologies: Characteristics, conversations, and contexts. University of Toronto Press, 2010.
- Mar, Tracey Banivanua. Decolonisation and the Pacific: indigenous globalisation and the ends of empire. Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- Nakata, Martin N. Disciplining the savages, savaging the disciplines. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press, 2007.
- Price, Kaye. Knowledge of Life: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia. Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Rynkiewich, Michael., Soul, Self, and Society: A Postmodern Anthropology for Mission in a Postcolonial World Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2011
- Stonechild, Blair, The New Buffalo: The struggle for Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education in Canada. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2006.
- Smith, Linda Tuhiwai. Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. Second edition. ed. London: Zed Books, 2012.