What advice would you give someone thinking about studying theology?
I would say: just do it! There are so many wonderful ways to grow in faith, and studies is certainly one of those ways to do it. When you study theology, you are incorporated into a community of diverse views, and there are so many brains that you can pick at and learn from. It is a wonderful opportunity to share the uniqueness of your own context as well, as we all can bring some wonderful insights to theology as we learn and grow together.
What’s something the Whitley Community may not know about you?
I really enjoy doing aerial dance! It’s a hobby I discovered just over a year ago, and it is a wonderful combination of a good workout, therapy, and even a challenge at times! I think it is faithful to have a holistic view of living, which includes taking care of your entire wellbeing.
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Probably photographic memory! That would make it a lot easier to consume things (books, articles, etc.!)
What brings you joy?
Seeing how my actions have added positivity or joy to others, is absolutely a big blessing for me that lifts my spirits a lot. Spending time with people who know, love and care for me is also something I never take for granted.
What do you love about teaching at Whitley?
I love that it is a learning community! I feel that while I am a teacher, I still have the opportunity to engage with so many different backgrounds of experiences, and I am constantly able to explore new ways of seeing things. Faith experiences explored in a thinking environment can be a very beautiful thing, and I love that I get to be part of that.
What’s something the Whitley Community may not know about you?
I really enjoy doing aerial dance! It’s a hobby I discovered just over a year ago, and it is a wonderful combination of a good workout, therapy, and even a challenge at times! I think it is faithful to have a holistic view of living, which includes taking care of your entire wellbeing.
What’s the best piece of wisdom ever given to you?
I heard this from a lecturer when I was a student (at Whitley) and it left a really deep impression on me. it goes: “the older I get, the more I am convinced of my own convictions, but the less I am that others are wrong.” I think it is wonderful.
What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
People often aren’t looking for advice. They’re looking for someone who will listen, and be there to support and be present with them. They’ll ask for advice if they want it.
What advice would you give someone thinking about studying theology?
I would say: just do it! There are so many wonderful ways to grow in faith, and studies is certainly one of those ways to do it. When you study theology, you are incorporated into a community of diverse views, and there are so many brains that you can pick at and learn from. It is a wonderful opportunity to share the uniqueness of your own context as well, as we all can bring some wonderful insights to theology as we learn and grow together.
Who or what inspired your faith journey?
My family. I am so grateful that I grew up in the faith. My family has gone through turbulent times and experienced a lot of heartbreaks and challenges. But God has been faithful and has somehow kept our family together, as well as now giving us opportunities to bless others with our resources. We are truly blessed.