Did you ever imagine that your experience would be so transformative?

We value you and your story, and welcome you to share your time, wisdom and experience with our students at Whitley college. Our students would be inspired to hear how studying theology has shaped your faith, prepared you for ministry or equipped you for your vocation.

Consider supporting Whitley in one or more of the following ways:

  • Be a student mentor
  • Offer LOTE support
  • Support/Speak at our Whitley events
  • Share your research

Express your interest to be involved here: whitley@whitley.edu.au

Do you remember when you decided to study theology at Whitley? Did you ever imagine that your experience would be so transformative? There maybe someone you know who would benefit from studying with us. Perhaps people at your church would benefit from exploring Theology. Download our Whitley flyer and share with your community and your church. (Sheree, please add link to church flyer).

We are planning various Alumni events throughout the year. To ensure you hear about them and keep up with college news, make sure you are subscribed to our monthly Alumni newsletter. 

We often share stories about our Alumni and would love to share yours. Simply fill out an interview sheet and our team will write your story. You’ll get a chance to review it before we post it on our website. Download your form here and send your responses to our team here.

Alumni Stories