Biblical Studies (BS)
Biblical Studies (B)
Whitley College view location >
Megan Turton view profile >
Class Time
Three hours per week
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit, it is expected that students will be able to:
- Critically interpret Hebrew Bible and New Testament texts that feature gender and sexuality;
- Discuss the historical, social, cultural, and literary contexts that influence the formation of these texts;
- Identify the diverse representations of gender and sexuality found within biblical texts;
- Integrate contemporary gender and feminist approaches with other methods of biblical interpretation;
- Evaluate the role of biblical texts in contemporary theological contexts and discussions on gender and sexuality.
- Exegetical Essay (3,500 words) (40%)
- Critical Review of select readings (1,000 words) (20%)
- Thematic Essay (3,500 words) (40%)
Recommended reading
- Anderson, Cheryl B. Ancient Laws and Contemporary Controversies: The Need for Inclusive Interpretation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
- Brenner, Athalya. The Intercourse of Knowledge: On Gendering Desire and “Sexuality” in the Hebrew Bible. Biblical Interpretation Series 26. Leiden; New York: Brill, 1997.
- Claassens, Juliana L. and Carolyn J. Sharp, eds. Feminist Frameworks and the Bible: Celebrating Intersectionality, Interrogating Power, Embracing Ambiguity. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 621. New York: T&T Clark, 2017
- Deutschmann, Barbara. Creating Gender in the Garden: The Inconstant Partnership of Eve and Adam. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament studies 729. London: T&T Clark, 2022.
- Dunning, Benjamin H, ed. The Oxford Handbook of New Testament, Gender, and Sexuality. Oxford Handbooks. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019.
- Huber, Lynn R, and Rhiannon Graybill, eds. The Bible, Gender, and Sexuality: Critical Readings. Critical Readings. London, UK: T&T Clark, 2021.
- Loader, William R. G. The New Testament on Sexuality: Attitudes Towards Sexuality in Judaism and Christianity in the Hellenistic Greco-Roman Era. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub, 2012.
- Melanchthon, Monica J. and Robyn J Whitaker. Terror in the Bible: Rhetoric, Gender, and Violence. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2021.
- Sawyer, Deborah F., David Gunn and Gary. A Philips, eds. God, Gender, and the Bible. Biblical Limits. London: Routledge, 2002.
- Newsom, Carol A., Sharon H. Ringe, Jacqueline Lapsley, eds. Women’s Bible Commentary. 3rd ed. Louisville: John Knox Press, 2012.
- O’Brien, Julia M, ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Gender Studies. 2 Vols. Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Yee, Gale A. The Hebrew Bible: Feminist and Intersectional Perspectives. Baltimore, Maryland: Project Muse, 2018.
- Brokenness and blessing: Towards a biblical spirituality. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007.
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