Home Units Engaging with the Hebrew Bible

Engaging with the Hebrew Bible

Semester 2

This unit is the first of a sequence of two that introduces students to some of the tools and perspectives employed in the study and interpretation of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. While developing interpretive and hermeneutical skills, students will be introduced to the narrative sweep of Scripture, detailing certain key figures and events within the biblical canon, setting biblical books in context and engaging sympathetically with different forms of biblical literature.  Students will employ these perspectives to examine the relevance of the Bible today.

Together, the two units will introduce students to:

  1. The nature of Biblical Text
  2. An overview of content and the general organization of Biblical texts.
  3. Tools for biblical interpretation such as dictionaries, commentaries and surveys
  4. Interpretive and hermeneutical skills and techniques

This first unit focuses on reading and interpreting the Hebrew Bible, emphasizing its narrative arc, particular genres and introducing elementary skills and concepts in biblical interpretation.

Undergraduate Diploma
Biblical Studies (BS)
Biblical Studies (B)
Mill Valley Ranch, Tynong North   view location >
Andy Mitchell
Class Time
Intensive: 5 days in September 2020