Biblical Studies (BS)
Biblical Studies (B)
Foundational unit in Biblical Studies
Whitley College view location >
Merryl Blair
Class Time
Three hours per week - 2020 unit CANCELLED
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit, it is expected that students will be able to:
- Reflect critically on a variety of key themes within the Bible, and how these have affected the life of the church.
- Rigorously exegete and analyse selected biblical texts.
- Relate critical reflection on biblical texts to their own spiritual development.
- Develop a specific topic of research on a biblical theme in a critically rigorous manner.
- Develop a case study in which biblical spirituality is brought into interaction with a particular area of ministry or life experience.
- One essay (3,500 words) (40%)
- One essay (4,500 words) (60%)
Recommended reading
- Bowe, Barbara Ellen, Biblical foundations of spirituality: Touching a finger to the flame. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003.
- Brueggemann, Walter, An unsettling God: The heart of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2003.
- Brueggemann, Walter, Spirituality of the Psalms. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2002.
- Lincoln, Andrew, J. Gordon McConville, & Lloyd K. Pietersen (eds), The Bible and spirituality. Eugene:
Cascade, 2013. - Niditch, Susan, The responsive self. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2015.
- Rohr, Richard, Things hidden: Scripture as spirituality. Cincinnati: St Anthony Messenger, 2007.
- Schneiders, Sandra, The revelatory text: Interpreting the New Testament as sacred Scripture. San Francisco: Harper SanFrancisco, 1991.
- Thurston, Bonnie, Spiritual life in the early Church. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1993.
- Turner, Mary Donovan, The God we seek: Portraits of God in the Old Testament. St Louis: Chalice, 2011.
- Young, Francis, Brokenness and blessing: Towards a biblical spirituality. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007.
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