DS3021W – Undergraduate
DS9021W – Postgraduate
DS9021W – Postgraduate
Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Spirituality (DS)
Theology: Mission and Ministry (D)
One foundation unit in Field D, and two units in Field B or C
Whitley College view location >
Simon Holt
Class Time
2019: Intensive - 10 mornings in July 2019
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit, it is expected that students will be able to:
- Identify and evaluate models of spirituality that embrace the contexts, activities, and relationships of daily life rather than negate or marginalize them.
- Engage with the resources of the Christian tradition – biblical, historical, theological and experiential – and examine how these interact with the challenges of contemporary life, both personal and communal.
- Articulate a clear understanding of how their own spirituality is more thoroughly integrated with their daily lives.
- Critically examine a specific topic in dialogue with the current literature.
- Identify and evaluate models of spirituality that embrace the contexts and activities of daily life;
- Engage with resources of the Christian faith — biblical, historical, theological — and critically examine their relevance to the challenges of contemporary life;
- Articulate an understanding of how their own spirituality is more thoroughly integrated with their daily lives;
- Demonstrate a capacity to research a specific topic in a critically rigorous, sustained and self-directed manner.
- Two tutorial papers (1,000 words each) (40%)
- One essay (2,500 words) (60%)
- Two tutorial papers (1,750 words each) (40%)
- Essay (3,500 words) (60%)
Recommended reading
- Ammerman, Nancy. Sacred stories, spiritual tribes: finding religion in everyday life. New York: OUP,2013 ebook Bass, Dorothy C (ed). Practicing our faith. 2nd ed. Chichester: John Wiley, 2010
- Bass, Dorothy C (ed.) Christian practical wisdom: what it is, why it matters, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016
- Cosper, Mike. Recapturing the wonder: Transcendent faith in a disenchanted world, Illinois: IVP, 2017
- Ford, David F. The shape of living. 2nd ed. Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2012
- Holt, Simon C. Heaven all around us: Discovering God in Everyday Life. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2018
- Pembroke, Neil. Moving toward spiritual maturity: psychological, contemplative, and moral challenges in Christian living, New York: Routledge, 2012
- McGuire, Meredith. Lived religion: faith and practice in everyday life Oxford: OUP, 2008, ebook
- Taylor, Barbara Brown. An altar in the world: a geography of faith, New York, HarperOne, 2010
- Warren, Tish Harrison. Liturgy of the ordinary: Sacred practice in everyday life, Illinois: IVP, 2016