Home Units Art of Spiritual Companioning Capstone

Art of Spiritual Companioning Capstone

Day Class
Available Online

This unit will explore significant spiritual and psychological issues in spiritual companioning as well as the student’s developing sense of commitment to this practice. Students will consider: Assessment of appropriate approaches to companioning; Deepening awareness of connection with inner perception and spiritual influences; Listening to the deeper parts of self and other relational aspects of being attentive; Exploring human experience of transcendence, the divine and mysticism; Creating a safe holding environment for participants in spiritual companioning; psychological dynamics in practice including such elements as transference, countertransference and projection and referral and the role of spiritual companioning in challenging one’s own and broader perspectives to foster authentic spiritual engagement.

Students will undertake a research project in an area of personal interest in the ministry of spiritual direction.

Postgraduate Capstone
Spiritual Direction (DD)
Theology: Mission and Ministry (D)
DD8203W Art of Spiritual Companioning 2 (formerly named Art of Spiritual Direction 2) or equivalent.
Prohibited Combination: Art of Spiritual Companioning 3
Hosted by WellSpring Centre, Ashburton   view location >
Peter Bentley & the WellSpring Centre team
Class Time
Extended Intensive: March through October, 2022 (refer timetable for details)