Home Units Indigenous Leadership Development (NAIITS)

Indigenous Leadership Development (NAIITS)

Available Online

Students will examine leadership, organizational and change theory and the skills required for leaders to lead organizations and communities in the context of the changing demographics and increasing diversity.  Students will be introduced the emerging practice of diversity as central to leadership theory and practice, the holistic nature of diversity, social justice within a diverse society, and the role it has in contributing to effective and appropriate leadership in the midst of rapid change.

Consideration of multicultural, intercultural perspectives and partnerships, specifically, those between Aboriginal/Indigenous Peoples and Western culture are a focal aspect of this unit. The development of knowledge, skill and leadership attributes that support inclusion and promote unity are a core part of the learning journey. Students will assess individual, societal and organizational values and beliefs systems, examine personal/professional leadership skills, reflect on and create a personal leadership development plan that is conducive to their context.

(NAIITS Indigenous studies unit – open to Indigenous and non-Indigenous participants)

Theology: Mission and Ministry
Pastoral Theology and Ministry (DP)
This unit builds on foundational units within the NAIITS Indigenous learning program. Students will have completed at least DA8002W Indigenous Practical Theology Symposium and CT8102W Introduction to Theology – Indigenous.
On NAIITS international learning platform   view location >
Terry LeBlanc, with NAIITS faculty
Class Time
Combination of Synchronous online mode via Zoom and additional asynchronous component
(Three hours per week equivalent)