Home Units Homiletics


Semester 2
Day Class

The unit offers an introduction to the theology and practice of Christian preaching. It examines the nature of preaching in the context of Christian community and gives attention to such issues as adult pedagogy, speaker authority, listener response, gender and culture awareness, processes of creativity, and public speech communication theory.

The course will explore the process of sermon preparation and the dynamics of sermon delivery. This will include context analysis, selection and responsible interpretation of biblical texts and themes, the use of appropriate language, images, narrative and structures and attention to the particulars of voice, non-verbals and style expressed in presentation.

In addition to interactive lectures and small group work, the presentation of sermons and short talks in class will give practical opportunity for learning through preaching and listening.

Undergraduate: DL2002W or DL3002W
Postgraduate: DL9002W
Undergraduate: Level 2 and 3
Postgraduate: Level 9
Liturgy (DL)
Theology: Mission and Ministry (D)
Undergraduate: BN1001W and CT1001W (or equivalent)
Postgraduate: BN8001W and CT8001W (or equivalent)
Whitley College   view location >
Allan Demond
Class Time
Three hours per week