Home Units Church, Culture and Hermeneutics II – Beyond Ourselves

Church, Culture and Hermeneutics II – Beyond Ourselves

Semester 2
Day Class

This Diploma unit will build upon skills taught in Church, Culture and Hermeneutics I. It will invite students to reflect upon the impact of cultural hermeneutics as they affect the church’s response to relevant social issues like racism, climate change, leadership of women, mental health, family violence, refugees, etc. It will also consider layers within cultural perspectives such as generation and country of origin, as well as models of multicultural or intercultural church. This unit will also invite guests from among church leaders to contribute to the conversation had in class.

Undergraduate Diploma
Pastoral Theology and Ministry (DP)
Theology: Mission and Ministry (D)
DP0161W Culture and Hermeneutics I
Siu Fung Wu, Andy Mitchell   view profile >
Class Time
5-day intensive block