Home Units Pastoral and Spiritual Care in Suffering, Grief and Loss

Pastoral and Spiritual Care in Suffering, Grief and Loss

Semester 2
Day Class

In this unit, students will consider the human experience of suffering, with particular reference to loss and grief, developing potential spiritual and pastoral care responses. Participants will be introduced to spiritual, theological, cultural and scientific resources to better understand the nature of suffering alongside the complex effects of short and long term, complicated and uncomplicated grief and grieving. Along with theoretical information, participants will be able to acquire tools and skills for spiritual guidance and pastoral care in a variety of settings, and be equipped to share these with their faith communities, their families and the larger communities in which they offer ministry.

Undergraduate: DP3004W
Postgraduate: DP9004W
Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Pastoral Theology and Ministry (DP)
Theology: Mission and Ministry (D)
Foundational unit in Field D
Whitley College   view location >
Robyn Wrigley-Carr   view profile >
Class Time
Three hours per week