Undergraduate Diploma
Missiology (DM)
Theology: Mission and Ministry (D)
in partnership with Baptist Mission Australia view profile >
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit, it is expected that students will be able to:
- Describe current challenges and opportunities experienced by world christianity.
- Identify positive examples of contemporary mission practice.
- Illustrate the application of global mission methods in local mission context.
- One book or film review (1,000 words) (30%)
- One Ethnography of a cultural scene (1,000 words) (30%)
- One critical reflection on a faith context (1,500 words) (40%)
Recommended reading
Set texts recommended for purchase are highlighted in blue
- Bessenecker, Scott A. Living Mission: The Vision and Voices of New Friars. Downers Grover, IL: IVP, 2010.
- Champion, Denise. Yarta Wandatha. Salisbury, SA: Denise Champion, 2014.
- Fetterman, David. Ethnography: Step-by-Step. 4th Edition. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, 2019.
- Foster, Tim. Suburban Captivity of the Church. Moreland, VIC: Acorn Press, 2014.
- Okesson, Gregg. A Public Missiology: How Local Churches Witness to a Complex World. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2020.
- Sparks, Paul, Tim Soerens, & Dwight J. Friesen. The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches Are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2014.
- Rynkiewich, Michael. Soul, Self and Society: A Postmodern Anthropology for Mission in a Postcolonial World. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2012.
- Tizon, Al. Whole and Reconciled: Gospel, Church, and Mission in a Fractured World. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2018.
- Van Engen, Charles, ed. The State of Missiology Today: Global Innovations in Christian Witness. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2016.
- Walls, Andrew, and Cathy Ross, eds. Mission in the 21st Century: Exploring the Five Marks of Global Mission. New York: Orbis Books, 2008.
- Wells, Samuel. Incarnational Mission: Being with the World. London, England: Canterbury Press, 2018.
- Yeh, Allen. Polycentric Missiology: Twenty-First-Century Mission from Everywhere to Everywhere. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2016.