Home Units Culture and Language for Cross-cultural Engagement

Culture and Language for Cross-cultural Engagement

Semester 1

This unit emphasises the strong link between culture and language, and the importance of gaining capacity in a community’s language for cross-cultural engagement. The unit will introduce students to the concepts of language and cultural participation outlined in the Growing Participator’s Approach (GPA). The unit will also introduce students to the Six Phase Program, a tool for growing a cross-cultural worker’s ability to understand and speak with people from a different culture and language community. The third tool to be introduced, the Engaging Culture, Worldview Inquiry Program (ECWIP), enables a cross-cultural worker to observe and participate in social situations and move towards understanding them from the host community’s perspective.

Undergraduate: DM1005W or DM2005W
Postgraduate: DM8005W
Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Missiology (DM)
Theology: Mission and Ministry (D)
Ian Dicks
Class Time
Intensive 2021: 5 days, April (CANCELLED)