Home Units Developing Theological Insight – Part 2

Developing Theological Insight – Part 2

Semester 2
Day Class

This unit is the second of a sequence of two that orients early-stage theology students to Christian Theological concepts. A variety of Christian belief systems and views surveyed with attention given to their social context and historical development. Students are invited to examine their own belief systems and appreciate how past and present contexts have combined to shape them. This second unit will examine a variety of Christian theological perspectives on such topics as: 1. Humanity 2. Sin and Evil 3. The person and work of Christ 4. Salvation and atonement 5. The person of the Holy Spirit, 6. Church 7. Eschatological Perspectives

Undergraduate Diploma
Systematic Theology (CT)
Christian Thought and History (C)
This unit is second in a sequence of two units (CT0151W, CT0152W) that together serve as an introduction and survey of Christian theology. CT0151W is to be completed as a pre-requisite for CT0152W.
Whitley College
Class Time
Integrated within NEXT Program: equivalent to 3 hours per week