A message from our new Interim Principal Darrell Jackson.
A very cheery ‘Hello!’ from your newly nominated Interim Principal. That means I will act as the Principal from the 16th September up until the point at which our College Council makes and announces a permanent appointment.
Many of you won’t have seen much of me around the College as I spend most of my time, as the Dean of Research, with PhD students and their research programs. I’ve only had one or two of you in the classes I’ve helped to teach, but I’m looking forward to getting to know more of you in the months ahead. Please come and say ‘Hi!’.
Those of you who do know me, will be aware that I am committed to theological formation that transforms us as individuals, transforms the way you view the world, your place in it, and the God who made it. Central to my understanding of this transformative journey is the singular figure of Jesus of Nazareth. You might not share this precise same set of commitments, but you are still very welcome to walk alongside us and to help us to refine our theological imagination, just as we hope our courses and units will refine yours.
I’m committed to theological study that makes a difference and look forward to giving everything I can to ensuring that the College continues to do this – something it’s been doing for the past 130 years.
I’m looking forward to next Semester – I hope you are too. See you around!