On Friday 8th September, we hosted the annual Whitley at Whitley Lecture at St Paschal.
Rev Linda Hopkins travelled from the UK to present an important lecture on ‘Learning from Young People’s Experiences of Communion: Re-envisioning the Meal as a Space for Nurturing Faith.’ Grace Lung, responded to the lecture, bringing her own cultural context into the conversation, by sharing the challenges for young Christians in 2nd generation migrant Churches.
We shared a lovely banquet of food and drinks with those who joined us in person for the event. We also welcomed an engaged cohort via Zoom. As always, our encouraging attendees contributed to the inspired conversation. It was a fruitful event and we look forward to the next one.
For those who expressed interest and couldn’t join on the night, you can watch the lecture here:
Download the lecture by clicking here.
More about Rev Linda Hopkins:
Linda studied and taught youth work and ministry, has an MA in Reflective Practice and Applied Theology and is completing her doctoral research in Contextual Theology at Luther King House, Manchester. She recently served Waterloo United Free Church, Merseyside (Baptist/URC), as their minister. She lives in West Lancashire with her husband Peter, and they have two adult children.
The text of this year’s Whitley Lecture has also been published as a book, and is available from Amazon here.
More about Grace Lung:
Grace up and has served at ethnic churches in Australia. Through her work she noticed the brokenness between the generations and cultures within the church. This drove her to figure out how to alleviate and resolve conflicts in cross-cultural faith settings.
Grace studied at Sydney Missionary and Bible College, and Fuller Theological Seminary. She now dedicates her time to helping individuals and Christian groups (migrant churches, second generation and Anglo Australian groups) understand their own contexts and then the other cultures around them. I achieve this through (1) train and educate individuals and groups (2) I work for the Centre for Asian Christianity at the Brisbane School of Theology, (3) Public engagement by writing academically and at popular levels.
Her writing has appeared on the SOLA Network, Gospel Coalition Australia, Centered: Resources for the Asian American Church, Common Grace and Ethos: EA Centre for Christianity and Society. For a full list, click here.
Grace has formerly volunteered at the RICE Movement as the co-host of the podcast ‘Did You Eat Yet?’, been a Volunteer Associate at Interserve Culture Connect and State Ministry Team member of OMF Queensland. She was a Board of Reference member for the Centre for Asian Christianity at BST, and also a 2019 ADM (Anglican Deaconess Ministries) Summer Fellow.
Grace is currently serving as a pastor for the second generation Asian Australian church. She loves spending time with her family, being a mother and wife, and catching up on the latest Asian pop music, dramas and food.