Home News An Australian First as Whitley College Hosts British Whitley Lecture

An Australian First as Whitley College Hosts British Whitley Lecture

24 Jun 2021

On Monday, August 23, 2021 Whitley College will host an Australian first for the British Whitley Lecture. Though this annual lecture shares its name with the College, it has never before been hosted on Australian shores. Be part of this historic event as Rev Dr David McLachlan presents the 2021 Whitley Lecture: Does This Cross Have Disabled Access?

As churches increasingly seek to include people with disabilities, how disability fits into the gospel is a pressing question. Disability and sin often appear together in the Bible, which is awkward.  Jesus’ healing signs, as a foretaste of the saving power of the cross, only seem to make matters worse.  The lecture asks whether the insights of people with disabilities might help here.  Is there a way of understanding God’s saving, healing work at the cross that does not equate disability with sin and that avoids people with disabilities feeling like outsiders?

Though the global pandemic thwarted our plans to host Rev Dr David McLachlan in person, we are grateful technology enables him to join us via Zoom. Dr McLachlan’s presentation will be followed by an Australian response delivered by Dr Shane Clifton, prior to questions and discussion from participants. Join us at the College for an evening of stimulating conversations, connection and (restrictions permitting!) refreshments.

For more information on this Australian-first event, visit our Events page or contact Whitley College’s Director of Research, Darrell Jackson, on djackson@whitley.edu.au.