God of love and hope, We find ourselves trapped in a world far smaller than we are used to — but far bigger and more privileged than most people on this planet. Help us to keep things in perspective We find ourselves in a world far too familiar, the consequence of our own making and past decisions —yet imposed on us, not by our choice but for the safety of all. Help us to see new possibilities in our lives We find ourselves in a world of blurred boundaries — the days, the weeks, the months, our work, our leisure — encircled by a 10km boundary, a city limit, a State border. Teach us to value the moment, the opportunity, the kairos We find ourselves spending more time than ever with ourselves, our close family, our pets, our bubble-friends, — but losing touch with so many colleagues, acquaintances, relatives and those we used to travel to meet. Help us to be faithful friends by whatever means possible We find ourselves worshipping a screen, zooming for fellowship, sharing virtual communion, hearing talking — and challenged by new technologies, creative connections, new ways of expressing meaning, images Keep us rigorous in seeking truth, in valuing honesty, We find ourselves prisoners of daily routines, trying to eat healthily, exercise regularly, live hopefully, engage meaningfully — and sometimes struggling to see connections between our own lives and the huge issues facing our planet. Keep us faithful in the daily disciplines of sorting our own rubbish, We find ourselves, over and over again in our little world — and sometimes forgetting to marvel at the resurgence of life in Spring, the signs of love, hope and justice In all this, help us to find You and to find each other. Amen |
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