Home Units Understanding Different World Religions of Our Neighbours

Understanding Different World Religions of Our Neighbours

Semester 2
Night Class

This unit introduces a student to various religions of the world including, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Confucianism/Daoism and selected Indigenous Religions. Students will examine the historical development of these religions and spiritualities, with reference to key figures, central beliefs and practices, and their interaction with historical Western and Christian traditions. Particular attention will be paid to the beliefs and practices of religious adherents in the Australian context. During the unit students will visit places of worship and religious devotion, including temples, shrines and mosques, and participate in discussions with religious leaders and adherents about their beliefs and practices.

Undergraduate: DM3067W (Unit offered alternatively as: AR3067W)
Postgraduate: DM9067W (Unit offered alternatively as AR9067W)
Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Missiology (DM)
Theology: Mission and Ministry (D)
Whitley College   view location >
Ian Dicks   view profile >
Class Time
Three hours per week, including site visits to temples, shrines and places of worship.