Home Units Writing a History of a Faith Community

Writing a History of a Faith Community

Semester 2
Day Class

This unit will introduce students to issues involved in writing a history of a local church, faith community or faith-based organisation. Historiographical and ethical issues such as the selection, use, and interpretation of different sources in the construction of a coherent historical narrative will be explored. The impacts of secularization, and of social, demographic, cultural, religious, and theological changes upon faith communities will be addressed. The unit will provide an opportunity for students to review and undertake research of selected Christian churches and organisations.

Undergraduate: CH3009W
Postgraduate: CH9009W
Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Church History (CH)
Christian Thought and History (C)
Undergraduate: 18 points (one standard unit) in Church History
Postgraduate: 24 points (one standard unit) in Church History
Whitley College
Marita Munro   view profile >
Class Time
Nine sessions of 4 hours each - Saturday mornings, 2020