Home News The Gospel in a Consumer Culture

The Gospel in a Consumer Culture

14 Aug 2019
ConsumerismFaith Thinking 2019Public Lecture

Jonathan Cornford • ‘Faith-Thinking’ Public Lecture • 14 August 2019

Humanity in the 21st century faces enormous challenges. Australian Christianity in the 21st century is also facing enormous challenges. It will be argued that both of these challenges are linked to a crisis of the dominant mode of living in the West: consumer culture. This lecture will consider the tasks of Christian witness in Australia if it is to take these twin challenges seriously. How might ecological responsibility and economic justice be linked to the health of faith and the content of witness? And what might this actually look like?

Jonathan Cornford is the co-founder of Manna Gum, a ministry in good news economics. He has a doctorate in political-economy and is currently undertaking a doctorate in theology through Whitley College.