Course structure
There are two streams in the Master of Philosophy. All candidates must attend a minimum of 8 hours of research seminars each year at the University and either a University Research Day or a research conference each year.
The MPhil by major thesis requires submission for examination of a thesis of 40,000 words.
The MPhil by minor thesis requires completion of two postgraduate coursework units and submission for examination of a thesis of 25,000 words.
A thesis submitted for the MPhil is examined by two examiners external to the University of Divinity.
What is this course about?
The Master of Philosophy is a higher degree by research in divinity or one or more of its associated disciplines and is designed for individuals who bring a foundation within this disciplinary range. The purpose of the Master of Philosophy is to qualify individuals to apply an advanced body of knowledge in divinity or one or more of its associated disciplines in a range of contexts and to provide a pathway for possible further learning.
Course learning outcomes
Graduates of the Master of Philosophy:
1. have a body of knowledge in a field of study within divinity or one or more of its associated disciplines that includes the understanding of recent developments within this field
2. apply advanced knowledge and skills to plan and execute a substantial piece of research
3. have cognitive, technical and creative skills to generate and evaluate complex ideas and concepts in a field of study within divinity or one or more of its associated disciplines and to reflect critically on them
4. have cognitive skills in, and mastery of, research principles and methods applicable to the field in which the research has been carried out
5. have skills to present a coherent and sustained argument and to communicate research results to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Follow on study
Graduates may be eligible for admission to the Doctor of Philosophy.
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for admission an applicant must satisfy the Research Committee that he or she has completed one of the following awards at the University of Divinity to the specified standard, or an equivalent award in divinity or its associated disciplines at another higher education provider recognised by the Academic Board to an equivalent standard:
a) a Masters by coursework with a 75% average; or
b) a Graduate Diploma with a 75% average; or
c) a four year undergraduate degree with Honours with a 75% average.
An applicant must also satisfy the Research Committee that he or she has completed a research essay or thesis of at least 12,000 words graded at or above 75%. The research essay or thesis may have been completed either within one of the awards listed above or as part of another program of study.
Enrolment & Fees
Study Mode
On campus
The standard full-time duration of the Master of Philosophy is eighteen months. The Master of Philosophy must be completed in not less than one year and not more than four years from the date on which the course is commenced.
Overseas Students
Open to student visa holders