Home Events Whitley’s Celebration of Publication event.

Whitley’s Celebration of Publication event.

11 Oct 2023

Our Whitley researchers and authors have been busy!

Join us as we showcase and celebrate all the recently published works. Hear about the academic monographs, book chapters, journal articles, works of art and more.

Hear about the exciting developments being made in the area of research at Whitley.

Whitley’s Interim Director of Research Rev Titus Olorunnisola will host the evening and will interview a panel of accomplished speakers.

Art Therapist and Honorary Whitley Researcher Libby Byrne, will speak about her research projects and how she communicates hope and theology through her art installations. Libby will also share about how she offers spiritual care to various communities as an Art therapist.

Whitley’s Associate Professor Robyn Wrigley-Carr will share about research and developments in the area of Pastoral and Spiritual Care.

Whitley’s Lecture in the Hebrew Bible, Dr Megan Turton, will talk about how to prepare a competitive grant application.

There will be opportunities for Q&A and mingling with others over light refreshments.

This is an in-person event at our temporary college location at St Paschal, 90 Albion Rd Box Hill.

Please email event enquiries to whitley@ whitley.edu.au

Don’t miss out. REGISTER HERE.




Rev Titus Olorunnisola will open the event and share about recent publications

3:40pm – 3:55pm

Attendees to peruse recent publications and mingle over refreshments

3:55pm – 4:25pm

Titus to interview Libby Byrne and Robyn Wrigley-Carr

4:25pm – 4:35pm

Q&A with Robyn and Libby

4:35pm -4:50pm

Titus to Interview Dr Megan Turton on Appying for Competitive Grants

4:50pm – 5:00pm

Q&A with Megan with formalities closing at 5:00pm

5:00pm – 5:15pm

Attendees welcome to stay for further conversation with others and light refreshments