Home Events Upcoming events at WellSpring.

Upcoming events at WellSpring.

12 Oct 2023

Our friends and partners at WellSpring invite you to the following upcoming events:

Celebrate 30 years of WellSpring

Sunday 22 October, starting at 10 am in Ashburton Baptist Church.

Together with Jill Manton, Peter Bentley,  Ann Lock and Kathy Cave, rejoice in the gift and fruit of WellSpring.
Morning tea follows just after 11 in WellSpring.
More details here.

Curious about formation at WellSpring? There are three opportunities for you to explore.

1. Edgy Research in Spiritual Companioning 

Saturday, 28 October starting at 9:20am.
Find out what four WellSpring Art of Spiritual Companioning students have discovered in their research.
This is a chance to hear edgy ideas and unique insights. A great opportunity to understand what you could gain from this type of study or for your professional development.  There will time for Q&A and space for networking between sessions.
Read more and register here.

2. Taster of the Art of Spiritual Companioning and Art of Contemplative Practice 1 courses

Sample what WellSpring Formation offers in 2024, in particular, the Art of Spiritual Companioning and the Art of Spiritual Formation courses. 
Monday 30th October, come to WellSpring at 3pm (in person) or connect from the comfort of your home at 5pm (on zoom).
An opportunity to meet with Joan Wright Howie (program coordinator of Art of Spiritual Companioning) and Jennifer Guild (team member of the Art of Contemplative Practice) and have your personal questions addressed.
Read more and register here.

3. Thanksgiving for Spiritual Companionship and farewell to Peter Bentley

Join for the conclusion of the final intensive for the 2023 Art of Spiritual Companioning course.
Saturday, 28 October, starting at 3:30 pm.
We will give thanks for Spiritual Companionship within the life of WellSpring and farewell Peter Bentley. Afterwards stay for drinks and nibbles.
Read more and register here.