Home Events Tuesday Chapel Service

Tuesday Chapel Service

17 Mar 2022
This semester Whitley college will be conducting a half-hour weekly chapel service at St Paschal Chapel.
College Principal, Rev Professor René Erwich, along with members of the Whitley staff, facilitate a reflective service, with a focus on scripture and prayer.
The service is every Tuesday at 12:30pm and we invite staff, students, ordination candidates and the wider Whitley community to attend.
The chapel is beautifully adorned with bright stained glass windows and provides the perfect setting to gather together in worship as a community.
St Paschal Chapel is located at 100 Albion Rd, Box Hill. Just a short walk from the main college building (St Paschal Precinct), located at 90 Albion Rd, Box Hill.

We look forward to worshiping together again this year.