Home Events Parkville Seminar

Parkville Seminar

9 Aug 2021

Join us on August 9 via Zoom for this free seminar featuring four outstanding members of our Whitley research community.

We are delighted to invite you to join us for four excellent presentations that span a wide range of topics, showcasing just some of the extensive contributions the Whitley research community makes across a variety of disciplines.


Join us for all or part of this exciting event.

2.00–2.05pm Postgraduate Coordinators Welcome and Introduction
2.10–2.50pm Brian Kolia Qohelet and the Moana: Futility in Diaspora?
2.55–3.35pm Deborah Storie Luke 24: Remembering Jesus, Opening the Scriptures, Breaking Bread.
3.40–4.20pm Libby Byrne Exploring what is seen and unseen in the development of art‐based, practice‐led, theological research.
4.20–5.00pm Mick Pope From Creation to Canaan: Biblical Hermeneutics for the Anthropocene


To attend this event, simply click the Zoom link below at 2pm, Monday August 9.

Join here: https://divinity.zoom.us/j/88434793308?pwd=aFhWa2FRdUpkWjAydnVVais1bkRYQT09
Meeting ID: 884 3479 3308
Passcode: 775888

For more information, contact Rev Associate Professor Darrell Jackson (djackson@whitley.edu.au).