Home Events Dr Rosalind Gooden Reflects on Her Life and Service

Dr Rosalind Gooden Reflects on Her Life and Service

9 Nov 2019

You are warmly invited to the next meeting of the Victorian Baptist Historical Society.

Dr Rosalind Gooden will reflect on her life and service with Global Interaction (ABMS) as a missionary in Pakistan/Bangladesh, former director of Personnel and training, and mission historian, particularly women’s history.

Event Details

Date: Saturday 9 November
Time: 11:00 am – 12:15 pm (morning tea at 10:30am)
Venue: Ashburton Baptist Church, 8 Y Street Ashburton VIC
Parking: Available in adjacent shopping centre carpark (off Marquis St). Easy walk from carpark into café area at back of church.
Enquiries: Marita Munro (President), mmunro@whitley.edu.au

Victorian Baptist Historical Society

The VBHS was formed on 15 July 1982 and promotes interest in and research of the history of Baptists in Victoria. Regular meetings are held to discuss aspects of Baptist history in this state.


Victorian Baptist Historical Society website