Home Events 2019 Art & Theology Prize: Call for Entries

2019 Art & Theology Prize: Call for Entries

27 Sep 2019

The Art Prize is open to all Whitley students, full-time and part-time. Please note: a current enrolment is required.

Key Dates

About Whitley

Whitley College is the Baptist Theological college of Victoria and hosts a student residential college for local tertiary students. Whitley is dedicated to forming Christian disciples in faith, hope and love. Both its hospitality to students in other disciplines and in theological formation, it serves to equip leaders who will change the world through the church’s mission and ministry. Students study theology here for a variety of reasons – preparing for pastoral or other Christian leadership, exploring questions of faith or vocation, integrating their faith and daily life, developing a fresh approach to mission, returning to study while in Christian service and engaging in scholarly theological research.

Whitley encourages students to integrate their life and faith, considering where their life experience meets and engages the wider world. We delight in students discovering creative ways to express their exploration, often through the Arts. The college rests in a conviction that the Creator God draws all people to their own creative potential, and it is with this in mind, that we are inviting students to respond creatively to a theological question or theme that has emerged for them this year.

About the Prize

In offering the Art Prize, we hope to encourage students who are grappling with what it means to reflect theologically, thus exploring the experience of a God who extends and challenges life experience, and inviting a response of faith in the midst of life.

Involvement in the process of this Prize is intended to enrich the Spiritual experience of artists and students, and indeed, to extend an invitation to all who view the exhibition to reflect theologically.

1 Step 1
Personal Details
First Name
Last Name
Student Number
Short biography
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Artwork Details
Title of work
Width (cm)
Height (cm)
Depth (cm)

2D work maximum dimensions: 100cm Width x 200cm Height
3D work maximum dimensions: 100cm Width x 100cm Height x 100cm Depth

Date of work
Artwork for sale
Picture of artworkupload
Statement about your submitted work
0 /
FormCraft - WordPress form builder

Terms and Conditions of Entry


  1. The Major Prize will be $500, awarded at the Garden Party, at the end of the exhibition in the college itself.
  2. Other awards will be offered with the support of sponsors.


  1. Entries to be:
    • 2D work with the maximum dimensions of 100 cm width X 200 cm height, or
    • 3D work with the maximum dimensions of 100cm width X 100cm height X 100cm depth.
  2. The Art Prize is open to all Whitley students, full-time and part-time. A current enrolment is required.
  3. The Religious Art Prize is non-aquisitive.
  4. Multiple entries are accepted when submitted as individual entries.
  5. All works submitted for the Art Prize must be original works executed by the artists whose name appears on the entry form and reflect their current experience of theology.
  6. Artists must submit with this entry form:
    • A short biographical outline
    • A full image of actual work being submitted for selection. Digital images are welcome. (Please include a stamped, self addressed envelope if you would like the image returned).
    • An artist statement about their work, maximum 50 words. This will be published for public viewing during the exhibition.

Closing date for entries

  1. Entries must be received by 5:00pm, 27 September 2019
  2. Entries received after the closing date will not be accepted.

Judging – Major & Minor Prizes

  1. The panel of judges will comprise three people, representing the arts and theological communities.
  2. All entries will be judged according to the following criteria:
    1. Theological questions expressed within the work
    2. Ability to communicate an awareness of spiritual journey within the art
    3. Creativity of expression
    4. Application of technique
  3. There will possibly be minor awards will be decided on this criteria, and will be allocated sponsored awards.

Final Judging

  1. Art work must arrive at Whitley College on Thursday 10 October 2019. Further details supplied upon notification.
  2. The exhibition will be installed on Friday 11 October 2019.
  3. Art work must be suitably framed and ready to hang or otherwise prepared for display and be labelled with the artist’s name, address and title of work.
  4. Any works damaged in transit or without an appropriate hanging system will not be presented for judging.
  5. The judging panel shall solely determine the prize winning entry
  6. The judging panel reserve the right not to award the prize.
  7. The judging panel’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


  1. All selected works must be available for display for the duration of the exhibition Monday 14 October – Thursday 5 December 2019.
  2. An opening event at 5:30pm Monday 14 October 2019 will launch the exhibition and announce the prize.
  3. Sale of artworks will be permitted. However, artists will be advised to manage sales of works themselves.
  4. Announcement of prizes will be made at Garden Party & Awards night on Wednesday 4 December 2019.


  1. While all due care will be taken with art works, Whitley College will not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered to any work in its possession or under its control and by signing these conditions each entrant shall indemnify the College against loss or damage suffered to his or her art work.
  2. Works submitted will be insured during their installation in the college between Friday 11 October and Thursday 5 December 2019.


  1. No payment will be made by College for freight or any other charge incurred in the delivery and/or return of any artwork submitted.

Reproduction of Works

  1. Each entrant specifically permits and authorises the College to reproduce his or her art work by print or electronic media for publicity purposes, reports, catalogues and any other publications related to the exhibition. Due attribution will be made to the artist.

Collection of Works

  1. The exhibition will close on 5 December. Entries are to be collected from Whitley College in office hours, Monday 9 – Friday 13 December 2019.
  2. No responsibility will be taken for works not collected by Friday 13 December 2019.